Monday, September 21, 2009

Pre Season Predictions Vol. 1 - Eugene Generals

Okay Folks, sorry about the long pause on my post updates, had a wild weekend, went to the UW vs USC game, who saw that coming? The crown went NUTS! i'll admit i stormed the field with everybody! ENOUGH ABOUT FOOTBALL we are here to discuss the one and only nor-pac (gotta love it) This will be different than most though. I will do a somewhat in-depth post on each team of the pacific first, than maybe the american west if i can get enough details. We will start from what I believe is the TOP of the pacific, and down to the bottom, with each day i'll put up one or more post. PLEAE COMMENT! TELL YOUR FRIENDS! LETS GET THIS THING BUZZIN"

1. Eugene Generals/Seattle Totems
3.River City Jaguars
4.Tri City Titans
5Puget Sound Tomahawks
6. RRRogue Valley Wranglers

We will start with the most polite team in the pacific, The EUGNE GENERALS!

Eugene Always puts together a team FULL of goal scorers and fast skaters. I wouldn't say they are the toughest team (c'mon guys lol) but they can put the puck in the net, game after game, year after year, They have solid D usually and same with their Goaltending. They're roster they have put up already looks solid, they have some SIZE i think i saw a 6'5 245lb d-man? Eugene is by no means a small team, but this guy is Jimmy Gabriel size (Seattle Totems Goon 07-08) Hopefully they get a lil' more gritty this season, with all this being said i think they will be the top dogs, or in a fight with the Seattle Totems.

Strong Point - The returning of the most solid goalie i have ever seen between the pipes in the last 4 years #31 Dylan Woodring, Woodring got called up to the NA mid 07 08 season i beleive playing for Alexandria, than eventually ending up playing for the Alaska Avalanche, I dont know what happened but I guess he's back. Also Kyle Mills #2, Mills is a very offensive d-man very good with setting up the play when in the zone, and a solid d-man when defending on the odd man rush from what i can see.Also #7 Blake Bishop another all around solid D-man. On offense I have NO idea about their new talent, but as for the vets I believe #23 Eric Watters and #21 Neil Holder will lead the offensive unit hopefully puting up even more points this season.
Weak Point - Lack of toughness, I know this does not matter to a lot of you think this claim is bogus, but it is a big upper hand to your team when your leading scorers, danglers, and little guys can skate up and down the ice without fear of getting f%#%ed around with. I know they have Zimmick who can handle the mid size guys in the league but when it comes to the big guys his gloves are glued on, maybe he hit the bag this summer, who knows. Like I said they picked up that big 6'5 boy from AK, maybe he will be droppin' em too. It his his first year of juniors so not likely too much. I'm not saying they have to jump people. Just protect

p.s. They did loose they're last 4 games to River City, the last game of the regular season, and a first round playoff 3 game sweep by they're closest rivals river city as well. I think they have some redemption on their mind.

Tune in tomorrow for Vol.2 Seattle Totems.

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