Sunday, October 4, 2009


Opening weekend is done with a few surprises in the mix.

Puget hosted Tri for two and came out on top on both, not a big surprise as Puget has more returners than Tri. With
Kaufman and Surgalski, Tri could not keep up. Curious as to why Romieke didn't play in net for Tri, he's a solid tendy and could have kept those pucks out of the net. Puget is usually a pretty gritty team and they don't tend to lose at home. After i slow start last year they picked up and finished strong, taking tri's spot in the playoffs, and even beating the Totems more than a couple times as the season and playoffs came to an end.

Rogue Hosted Seattle on Thursday, no surprise there with an 8-2 blowout in favor of the Green 'n' white. River City than come down I-5 for two games and they blew the lead and let Rogue come back, take it into overtime, and WIN! That's left a bad taste in they're mouth and they made sure too smother the wranglers Saturday night with a big 7-1 win. Rogue seems to have a short bench I'm surprised they even had the stamina to push river over in the first game. 4 wins in 3 years? Not bad...;]

Seattle bussed up to Eugene for two, hoping to continue the momentum from they're game in Medford but Eugene had something to say about that. Seattle was on the board first both nights in Eugene but every time the totems scored... The Generals Veterans answered. Mainly
Watters, Mcdonald, and Holder , with an impressive 20 PTS between the three of them! Seattle's goaltender Kevin Maile was pulled in the second period of the 1st game and Rookie tender Anthony Chimenti Played well for his norpac debut, he started the second game but his impressive play was not enough. Eugene answered every totems goal and then some. One thing that surprised me was how Eugene was dropping the gloves, is this a new era? This is not their usual style of play, especially with the Totems. There were 6 fighting majors in two games for Eugene this weekend, they're not known to have 6 fights in half a season usually. Although Seattle had more instigators which would explain the excessive amount of general Power Play Goals.

In the EAST...

Yellowstone and Missoula, Yellowstone picking up where they left off as the Eastern Division Regular Season Champions, with a 7-3 win over The Maulers. Missoula had a bad taste in they're both with this one as they pulled out a 3-2 win the next night for the 1-1 split.

Helena beats Billings, no surprise here as Helena has been the top team in the whole league for the better half of a decade. With a score of 5-2 on both nights, with the second win over Bozeman.

Bozeman routes Butte 10-1, biggest win of the weekend!.. Although the next night they dropped a 5-2 loss to Helena

Billings and Butte Saturday night, The Bulls hold on for a 5-2 win although the shots were 74-10!!! Hats off to the Butte goaltender
Bryon Berryhill who seems to have stood on his head. Hopefully it wont be such a long season for the riders with him in net.


1. Helena
2. Bozeman
3. Yellowstone
4. Billings
5. Missoula
6. Butte
*2-5 All tied at 2 pts.

2. Puget Sound
3.River City
5. Rogue Valley
6. Tri Cities
*3-5 tied at 2 pts.

That's All Folks.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jags vs. Totems

Couple nights ago Seattle drove down i 5 to play the jags in Beaverton at valley ice if I'm correct. I listened to the broadcast. Sounded like a solid pre-season match up. I think both teams wanted to get their rookies some playing time. Although i heard the broadcasters mentioning river city had a lot of their older players playing, as did Seattle, but I do know a few vets stayed home in Seattle. Sounds like a few of the players were getting a little squirly even i preseason, Abudakar (SP) of R.C. seemed t0 have jumped Radermacher (SP) SEA. Although I'm not sure why cause I was not there, but i know Radermacher played in R.C. for years before, that may have something to do with the bad blood in between the two. Other than that sounded like Seattle's Prather had a wrestling match with Gusey which resulted in Prathers ejection. River's new bad boy Gary Schut and Seattle's Nelson Aamodt tried to square up but the refs would not let them? I heard that the fighting rules have changed this year in the league, but it could have just been a safety precaution by the refs since it was just preseason. River kept their veteran tender Sean Buckley who stood on his head from the sound of it.Whereas Seattle played all 3 goalies in their game, with Maile in the 1st, Chimenti in the 2nd, and Klingenberg in the 3rd. Long story short Seattle came out on top 5-2 i believe, I did not record the goals at they were scored as the broadcasters were having a bit of trouble figuring out the Seattle players names, but i think they did a very good job for their first broadcast, hats off to those two guys. I think this will be a great rivalry between these two teams as it always is, but Seattle not being such a power house this should be a series for the two teams.

Seattle opens up this Thursday in Rogue Valley for their home opener (Seattle with the win in my book). Than Seattle goes north for two against Eugene which should be the matchup of the weekend seeing as how these two teams are the top dogs usually. My money's on a 1-1 split for the two.

River City gets Seattles sloppy seconds as Rogue Valley host River City for two more on friday and saturday. My money is on the jags 2-0.


Sorry I dont have info for the whole league, I dont know a damn thing about the East, and ill post the results of all the games this weekend as it comes to an end.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Please stop e-mailing me with questions about certain teams. I am not affiliated with any team in the Nor-pac, nor do I really know anyone from the League, I created this blog for a college class, Its a year long assingment where I have to run a LEGIT blog, that people actually view and follow, all of my information now is from, Team Websites, and some You Tube videos. I however am Nor pac fan, I grew up in vancouver, moved to the bothell area in highschool, and am now attendting College in olympia. Thanks guys, have a good season, and tell your friends about the blog as I need more subscribers.

Pre Season Predictions Vol. 2 - Seattle Totems

Norpacs Least Favorite - Seattle jr. Totems

Why are they called the jr. totems anyways? jr to the 60's-70's Totems? The Totems I knew, who are all aged out by now, were big bearded grizzly lumber jacks. Anyway the Totems you all know and hate... are GONE, They're reighn of terror seems to be over, as far as I know anyway. The beastly size and toughness is all drafted into the upper ranks of the beer leagues, and a few select in colleges i beleive. Don't get me wrong they could definently put the puck in the net, but the beauty of the Totems was they were a real junior team (in my opinion) because they had the toughness to cover the goal scorers asses when they put too many pucks in the opposing teams net and the other team would put bounties on they'r heads... which didn't get them very far with the likes of Kevin Quinn (Franlin Pierce, D-3), Jimmy Gabriel, Jon Carpenter, and Alaskas own Spencer Galvin who played for the Ft.Van Pioneers back in the day and I followed when I stayed at my relatives down in vancouver. Each of these guys put up at least 30-50 Points a season, not bad when you consider these guys spent quite a bit of the time with their sticks n' gloves on the ice brawlin' like no other. No more Tanner Shulze, Kyle Stombaugh, Damir Alic, Kyle Farrell, Zac Wegener, i'd even put Galvin on this finess goal scoring list as well. I don't know these guys personally, but says these guys were puting up anywhere from 70-110 pts. up a season, i dont know how accurate is but it can't be too far off....


They lost pretty much all of their meat and goal scoring ability two years ago with the 87's going into retirement, and last year with the diminish of the 88's. What's left you ask? Well let's take a quick look...

Strong Point - Between the pipes #1 Kevin Maile, veteran tender that has played junior hockey since the ripe and tender age of 14-15? A solid "streaky" goalie, when he's on, he's ON, but on his nights off they have #35 Miles Klingenberg, a big goalie how cuts off the angles well and also plays pretty damn solid, nothing pretty but gets the job done, kind of a suitcase the past few years it looks, but is returning for a second year in Seattle so it looks as if he may have found his home.

On the blue line veteran D man #11 Kjell Sherman, big, hard hitter, assist man. Along with #5 Josh Prather, who has been in the league since he was 15 as well, very well positioned, mean, ready to drop the gloves if he has too. With the loss of 88's Taylor Perkins and Quinn Snider who ran they're Defense last year and logged 40+ minutes a game AND ran the power play/ penalty kill any game I watched they will be lackin' on the blue line.

As far ass the offensive attack, that is where they lost the most. #9 Chris Beede, a hard hitting, gritty, and can snap the twine when he needs too. Along with #22 Jake Rademacher, who has hands for days and apple sauce passes, but also lacks speed throughout the neutral zone. As I look at the rest of the roster, with the exception from a few choice rookies from last year that are returning, I dont know any of these new YOUNG faces, for the most part they are locals, hopefully they have as easy as a transition from midget to junior hockey as Shaun Pauly did, Pauly threw up 60+ Points I beleive and is now on the Wenatchee Wild of the NAHL.

As far as typical totems toughness they have veteran #3 Kale Barr, more of a crazy/ scary tough, but has long arms and quick hands once the gloves come off. #8 Sam Ballenger, loyal to the Totems throughout the years with some memorable bouts throughout the years as well, hopefully these too can focus on squaring up in stead of just jumping as they are both notorious for, but hey whatever works coach. #18 Brandon Vandermoon, although small, looks as if he had numerous tilts, I only caught one last season, but he has that south paw thing going for him, as it was the only hand he used, yet very effective, he will take care of any mid range trouble from the oppisition this season.

Weak Point - Can they pick up where they left off? Back to back Pacific Divsion Championships, and Back to Back trips to Tier 3 Junior Nationals somewhere on the east coast I beleive. It is a tradition of winning up in Seattle, but they will need help from every man, every game, every minute. Typical stupid penalties will be the death of them this year.

Coach Murphy seems to know what he's doing though with his previous years success, hopefully this batch of young bloods can pull it together and stay ontop of the "Totem Pole" (no pun intended). In my opinion they will have a winning season, but wont be blowing most teams out of the water on the scoreboard as they have the last few years.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pre Season Predictions Vol. 1 - Eugene Generals

Okay Folks, sorry about the long pause on my post updates, had a wild weekend, went to the UW vs USC game, who saw that coming? The crown went NUTS! i'll admit i stormed the field with everybody! ENOUGH ABOUT FOOTBALL we are here to discuss the one and only nor-pac (gotta love it) This will be different than most though. I will do a somewhat in-depth post on each team of the pacific first, than maybe the american west if i can get enough details. We will start from what I believe is the TOP of the pacific, and down to the bottom, with each day i'll put up one or more post. PLEAE COMMENT! TELL YOUR FRIENDS! LETS GET THIS THING BUZZIN"

1. Eugene Generals/Seattle Totems
3.River City Jaguars
4.Tri City Titans
5Puget Sound Tomahawks
6. RRRogue Valley Wranglers

We will start with the most polite team in the pacific, The EUGNE GENERALS!

Eugene Always puts together a team FULL of goal scorers and fast skaters. I wouldn't say they are the toughest team (c'mon guys lol) but they can put the puck in the net, game after game, year after year, They have solid D usually and same with their Goaltending. They're roster they have put up already looks solid, they have some SIZE i think i saw a 6'5 245lb d-man? Eugene is by no means a small team, but this guy is Jimmy Gabriel size (Seattle Totems Goon 07-08) Hopefully they get a lil' more gritty this season, with all this being said i think they will be the top dogs, or in a fight with the Seattle Totems.

Strong Point - The returning of the most solid goalie i have ever seen between the pipes in the last 4 years #31 Dylan Woodring, Woodring got called up to the NA mid 07 08 season i beleive playing for Alexandria, than eventually ending up playing for the Alaska Avalanche, I dont know what happened but I guess he's back. Also Kyle Mills #2, Mills is a very offensive d-man very good with setting up the play when in the zone, and a solid d-man when defending on the odd man rush from what i can see.Also #7 Blake Bishop another all around solid D-man. On offense I have NO idea about their new talent, but as for the vets I believe #23 Eric Watters and #21 Neil Holder will lead the offensive unit hopefully puting up even more points this season.
Weak Point - Lack of toughness, I know this does not matter to a lot of you think this claim is bogus, but it is a big upper hand to your team when your leading scorers, danglers, and little guys can skate up and down the ice without fear of getting f%#%ed around with. I know they have Zimmick who can handle the mid size guys in the league but when it comes to the big guys his gloves are glued on, maybe he hit the bag this summer, who knows. Like I said they picked up that big 6'5 boy from AK, maybe he will be droppin' em too. It his his first year of juniors so not likely too much. I'm not saying they have to jump people. Just protect

p.s. They did loose they're last 4 games to River City, the last game of the regular season, and a first round playoff 3 game sweep by they're closest rivals river city as well. I think they have some redemption on their mind.

Tune in tomorrow for Vol.2 Seattle Totems.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pre season rankings.

As you kno0w a few other sites have already done this but I figure to make mine as legit, i should too. Who do you think will win the east? What about the west? Who will fall the most in standings from last year, or maybe climb the pole? I'll have this up tonight. If you have any input please put your two cents in, I know you all get chatty on the usajuniorhockeymagazine forum. Let it begin!!!

River City vs. PSU

It Appears that NPHL's own River City has two pre season game against Portland State Universities Club hockey team scheduled for the 25th @ 8:15 and the 27th @ 4:15 both games will be at Valley Ice as far as I know. Portland competes in the ACHA Men's club hockey league. River City finished their season very strong making it to the Pacific Division Championship by sweeping the Eugene Generals 3 games to 0, although they eventually lost to the back to back Pacific Division Champions Seattle Totems, they still made a great deal of progress last season, and hopefully they start where they left off and have a very successful season. Good luck to both teams, ill try and have the results as soon as each game is complete.

NAHL's Wild top Nor Pac's Missoula in two preseason games last weekend.

Missoula played against the NAHL Wenatchee Wild. The Maulers dropped both at Glacier ice rink in Missoula to the Wild with scores of 8-2 the first night, and the Maulers seemed to pick it up the second night with a score of 4-1.


There are a few blogs or forums around the web that have anything to with nor pac, i figure why not make one for the players, fans, coaches, and whoever would like to join.I have no affiliation with any team in the league or the league itself Please keep post tasteful. Please tell your friends as soon as you figure out about this. The more people we have using this the more fun it will be. I hope to travel and see all of the teams at their home rinks so i can get a good perspective about each team in their own barn and on the road. I don't know as much as I'd like to know about the American West division, but don't worry my friends, I will be making a trip to go see them too. I have a house in Eugene, but i also have a place in the Seattle area so i will be able to make my way up and down i-5 to catch all the action, and don' think i forgot about you tri. I plan on posting updates of standngs often, along with polls, and updates on leading scorers, goalies, and the tough guys around the league. Im going to try and contact the coaches of several teams and conduct interviews with them. Please enjoy the blog, and hopefully it gets successful.